Linggo, Abril 6, 2014

Reasons why i want to visit Japan..
BY: LEN ^_^

Japan is a wonderful country.I love Japan's culture and how traditional aspects meet the modern parts of today.I still remember when my brother introduced me to Japan through anime and manga.I really love Japanese music .I'd love to go to Japan to see my favorite bands live and i wanna go to karaoke bars there too :D .Aside from that i really love the rich history of Japan.

I want to visit some traditional temples and shrines.

I want to see the beautiful Cherry blossoms in Spring.

I also tend to find Japanese guys are attractive. LOLJK :D

Sushi-Did I mention I like sushi?I'm really obsessed with sushi! haha :3

Karaoke <3

Mt.Fuji-I've always wanted to climb this mountain and see the sunrise.

Manga and anime.

Japanese Fashion.

Japan's bullet train.

Shopping.There are so many cute and wonderful things a person can buy in Japan.There's so much cute stuffs everywhere!! ~

My Dream Guy
Every girl dreams of meeting her prince charming matter how young or old.'s the list! haha

1.Good Personality

7.Loves me for who i am and the way i am
9.Good sense of style
10.Likes music (sing ,plays musical instrument)
11.Nice to little kids
12.Likes animals
14.Clean lifestyle (no drugs,no smoking,no drinking)
15.Believes in me
17.Nice to my friends
18.Someone that I can easily talk to 
20.Well educated
23.Sense of humor
24.Nice smile
26.Doesn't flirt with other girls
27.NOT perverted
28.Down to earth
29.Someone who can be silly with me
30.A man who loves God :)
32.A true gentleman
33.Likes to laugh a lot
35.Treats me right

I'm still waiting for my dream guy to find me.

My life list
So I’ve seen a lot of blogs where people write bucket lists and I thought, ‘Oh I’m going to write one of them.’So here's the list of everything I want to do in my life or should i say Stuff I Want to Do Before I Die. ^_^

1.Finish School
2.Go to a university
3.Visit every continent
4.Explore Japan
5.Visit London
6.Go up the Eiffel Tower
7.Go to New York
8.Visit Mt.Fuji
9.Ride a camel in the desert ^_^ haha
10.Take a road trip across the U.S
11.Go in a hot air balloon
12.Take a vacation by myself
13.Watch sunrise at the beach
14.Buy a house and decorate it the exact way i want
15.Buy my mom something she wouldn't buy herself
16.Find a charity and support it financially
17.Meet a celebrity
18.Visit Las Vegas
19.Surprise my Dad with a Ferrari on his Birthday
20.Stay awake all night and see the sunrise
21.Date someone famous
22.Meet One Direction and 5SOS ðŸ˜‚😂😂 especially Calum Hood 💘  
23.Take a trip with my brother and sister
24.Go on an African Safari and see Lions
25.Shopping in Paris
26.Sky Dive
27.Spend a night in a haunted house
28.Go on a road trip with my friends across the country
29.See the Northern Lights
30.Kiss in the rain
31.Marry my true love
32.Build my kids a tree house
33.Visit all 50 states
34.Swim in a crystal clear water in Maldives
35.Snowboard in New Zealand
36.I want to see cherry blossoms when they are in bloom
37.Buy a nice camera and take photos
38.Complete this list.